Two thirds of all Americans in the United States are Overweight or Obese. These overweight Americans take in more calories than they burn during exercise if they even exercise. The majority of food the overweight people eat include salted, sweetened, or fatty items. Now a days, the jobs that people take part in involve less physical activity.Cars reduce the need to walk or bike to or from place to place. As more people in the world continue to be obese, the possibility of heart disease, diabetes, liver disease, joint troubles, and cancers increases. There are a couple responses that can be taken: You can do nothing at all. Another response is to punish fat people. In Japan they have started the process of setting a specific limit of waist line size in Japan; if workers don't slim down they will have to pay fines. A third response is to make it easier to choose healthier food over junk food. They can help this by making healthier food like gluten free food cheaper. They can insure that in schools students are eating healthy foods and are taking part in recess. Clear standards can be set on nutrition labels, so it will help people make a clear choice. They could start taxing soda, which would raise the cost, and cause less people to buy it. The relevance to economics is the fact that when people are fat, they cost a lot of money to themselves and others.Due to people being obese, they can experience many problems which could potentially be paid for with American taxpayers if the obese person is under federal health care. Fat people could make our economy different because if the government decides to raise taxes on soda because of the fat people, normal sized people will have to pay more for soda, even though they only drink it in a moderate amount.

Question for Classmates:
How would you fix the world’s obesity problem?
Howard, Charlotte. "The World Is Fat." The Economist: The World in 2013 31 Mar. 2013: 32. Web.
By Maddy Klamm and Emily Anderson
I would try to limit the amount of fat and oils used in making fast food.
I would give people incentives to work out and stay fit, such as free trips. I would also make more stagnant activities have more interactive qualities like more actives in school and interactive TV shows.
I would try to promote food pantries and other organizations that give lower-income people cheaper food to have healthier options. I think this because most of the people who are obese are lower-income and cannot afford the pricey fruits and vegetables so they resort to McDonald's.
I would help to have kids eat less at school, but of course you can't limit the amount they eat at home. I would just probably educate people about the dangers of obesity.
I would send emails to the fast food companies to ask for more healthy foods in their menus.
I believe that lowering the prices of healthy foods might take part in helping. Exercising is also a key point in where people that determine whether or not they are fat, should decide on what they should do. I don't think that we can decide on everything for them.
I would try to raise the prices of fast food and of foods that are higher in fat content. If its much more expensive to buy fatty foods then people would have less incentive to buy that food.
In order to reduce obesity I think that incentives should be given for people who chose to live a healthy lifestyle. Its not easy to discourage eating fast food so why not encourage eating healthy food?
I would make the over weight people pay for their damages to the tax payers having to pay for their medical bills. They should be taxed more because they make the taxes higher.
I would require an exercise routine for all students in high schools to help promote the idea of exercise.
I believe that we need to increase the prices of buses, taxis, planes, etc. based on weight. If people realize that they will save more money if they weigh less, they will likely think twice about choosing McDonald's over Subway for example.
I believe that the best way to deal with obesity is to, like most insurance companies do, make it more difficult to receive monetary help to recover from problems that arise from being overweight.
I think that we should make fast food and unhealthy things more expensive so people want to buy cheaper healthier foods.
I think we should lower the price of healthy food and make it the standard. While maybe put more taxes on unhealthy food.
Improving the meals at fast food restaurants would possible decrease the amount of obesity. Also maybe raising the prices of the meals would cause more people to cook at home.
Sydney Blair
We do kind of make people pay for being obese such as insurance. If you get big then the insurance goes up because you are more likely to get sick and have problems. I think a big thing is price. Getting a healthy choice is normally more expensive at fast food places than unhealthy foods. Also if we were to put regulations on stores and make them be accountable to what they sell and how healthy it is. Certain things that can only have so much salt. If it taste bad, good. Maybe people would start chosing healthier foods.
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