Oil Spill in the Gulf
Amanda Berberich, Leandra Marais, and Emali McGee

The oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico was the worst known spill in the history of the U.S. Therefore causing the death of many species, animals, and humans. The leaky pipe was 42 miles off the Louisiana shore and emptied 4.9 million barrels of oil into the gulf within a span of 87 days. The tear, being five thousand feet down, made it extremely hard for scientist to fix. As a result, the ecosystem and the natural wild life will always be impacted by the oil spill. The oil will remain years later buried under layers of sand that washed up on the beach, and the animals who happen to dig in the sand will become sick all over again from the oil.

The oil spill in the gulf of Mexico raised the price of oil dramatically. BP had to pay $40 billion dollars in fines, cleanup costs, and settlements, and an extra $16 billion due to the Clean Water Act. Oil prices went up to $85.82 a barrel. Gas prices rose from about $2.70 to $3.83 per gallon. Gas prices have never gone down since the oil spill. If anything gas prices have increased.
Why do you think the oil spill is still affecting gas prices today?
Yes, because the oil we lost we will never get it back. So the prices will keep rising.
I feel as if the oil is still affecting the gas prices, because there was so much oil that was lost due to the oil spill that we can't just get back.
Sammie Peterson and Nate Unzen
Because we lost a lot of oil that could have been used to fuel cars and now we will never get to use that oil.
The oil we lost that is buried under layers of sand that washed out the beach we will never get back. Therefore our gas prices rose during that time that they will remain in that price range.
Oil spills are expensive to clean up and I think the oil companies are trying to earn enough that if one takes place they won't be set back as much.
Because we lost 4.9 MILLION barrels of oil! That would fill up thousands of vehicles and we'll never get any of it back.
Since we lost so much oil, there will always be a "bump in the road" when it comes to oil and the prices of oil.
Sydney Blair
We lost so much oil in the spill, which is oil that we will never get back. Clean up efforts are also still happening which costs a lot of money and therefore still affects BP's oil prices.
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